It's Brooke, checking in for the last blog of United States History to discuss with you the successful outcome of the undeniable unequal treatment of African Americans from the beginning of America. In the beginning, these African Americans were bought or stolen from their masters in Africa, and were sent to these new lands to do harsh, strenuous work for no reward or freedom. Treated unfairly before they even step foot in America, and now it's 1964 and the fight is slowing to an end. The Civil Rights Act in 1964 ended segregation in all public places, meaning no discrimination for a certain race, gender, or religion. This was the turning point in all harsh racist acts. Obviously, many individuals in the South still attempted to protest, but the African Americans had finally won their freedom after years of battling for the difference in their skin color that they can not control. For so long, there was separation of bathrooms, schools, restaurants, and etc. Each different places for different colored people were labeled things such as "Colored Bathroom Only", to depict that only African Americans could use the poorly kept, lower quality bathrooms. It is mind blowing to believe that republican white individuals once truly believed that the African American individual is less of a human than they were. There were two major follow up acts past in continuation of the trend which were the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The voting rights act prohibited literary tests and all other racist discriminate ways to stop a certain race from voting; whereas, the fair housing act banned discrimination in the sale of property. The African American population has been through many rough patches, but their repetitive battling has led them to reach their goals and have the same equality as the rest of America!
Have a Great Summer and remember to learn your history!
Signing off,
Brooke van den Berg